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Kairavi Sivasankar

we are at an age

where the future stretches




limitless Possibilities

our wants and desires and the endless yearning consuming us like hunger from the inside, clawing and screaming and roaring I need more, more, more

we think of our futures

giggling on the bus

daydreaming in class

As we plait each other’s hair and fantasise about

a Thousand and One destinies, fanning out like all the combinations of a deck of cards.

I am young.

I am free.

we are the embodiments of potential energy

a ball hovering in the air right before the drop

the moment of silence before the supernova.

there is so much we can be.

but we cannot be everything,

and the halt only lasts so long.

soon, we will tip over the precipice

fall into our lives, into our places

and the possibilities will decline

as we are catapulted faster

and faster into a life some of us didn’t even choose

the germans call it

‘gate-closing panic’

‘last minute panic’

life’s opportunities diminish as one ages


we are the children of the Dreamers

the people who told us ‘you can do anything’

But we heard

‘you have to do


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